Earn Up To $500
We’d love to show off how you have utilized MyTidySpace™ Drawer Outlets in your project! Please submit well-lighted, high-resolution photos of your final designs or installation process. We’ll pay you with a $100 USD Amazon gift card for each photo our Marketing staff selects for use in our public media and materials. You can earn up to $500 in Amazon gift cards for each project!
For best results please use the following guidelines:
Set digital camera or phone camera for high-resolution photos
Ensure the subject is well lighted and that the outlet is clearly featured in the photo.
Take pictures from several angles.
Show a well-organized space with minimal clutter.
Provide a brief project description that highlights outlet benefits.
Submit one project overview per form.
Past Winners
Take a look below to see our past winners and get a feel for the type of photos we are looking for!